Category: Scott Runzo

Addressing Tough Social Problems

Belay Global works in the most challenging places in the world, partnering with business professionals and local organizations in the Majority World to bring hope and healing to those who face suffering every day. In the midst of such a difficult undertaking, one of the toughest things is simply to define terms so we can effectively communicate…
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January 26, 2014 0

TDP and the People Who Serve

Last week, I wrote a bit about the team of folks we are working with on Transformational Development Projects (TDP) . Here is a bit more about both topics.

January 17, 2014 0

The Goal of Transformation

When our team came together and established Belay Global I was amazed at the years of overseas experience we had.  Put all of our service time together and we have over 40 years of serving those in some of the toughest areas in the world.  Some of us live overseas, some of used to but…
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January 5, 2014 0