Duhu Disciples

by Kortney Bannick
I had the great opportunity to lead the Duhu bible study for 6 weeks. The study we did was called “Pathway to Purpose: Women Answer God’s Call To Leadership” by Katherine Giske. Going through the book myself and preparing for the study with the young women, I just knew it would fit perfectly with what they were learning in Duhu. God calls each of us to a greater purpose and the study showed, how we as women, can find that purpose and use our God given gifts and talents wherever He has us.
Leadership is defined in the book as influence. That simple. Influence. This was a new concept for the girls. Often we see leadership as someone in charge or leading a group. With the basis of leadership meaning influence, this opens the door for ALL women to be leaders. This was a new concept to many of the Duhu girls. How do we find our purpose in this role? We talked about the “Power of a Dream,” and how to find the vision for your life. Our verse for the study was Psalm 25:4,5 “Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.” Many of the girls already felt as though God was leading them in a certain direction. Their dreams varied from starting businesses to finishing University. Some are still searching but moving forward through open doors. Although you may not know what God’s vision is for you, you can serve Him right where you are. Serving Him is His plan. We talked a lot about serving God in the work place. You show others Christ and serve Him by being honest, loving others, and working hard with integrity. Colossians 3:23 tells us, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”
As the girls prayed about where God is leading, we learned about how to walk along side others in mentorship and how to set our priorities. It was exciting to see the girls break into small groups and talk about possible mentorships among them. We learned that it doesn’t have to be formal, but can be a mutual friendship where you help one another. Jesus was the perfect example of a mentor to His disciples. We learned from Christ’s example to ask difficult questions, to listen, and to help others find answers on their own. Jesus challenged those around Him, which allowed them to grow.
Mentoring can encourage growth spiritually, personally, and in our work, which in turn helps us prioritize the important things in life. Many of the girls knew that it is wise to set priorities, but actually putting a system into place was lacking. We were all so encouraged and excited the information in the book instructed us how to prioritize tasks to reach our goals. We learned how to break our goals into steps and tasks that can be achieved each month, week and day. Also, we learned we can say “no” to some things and possibly delegate those tasks. Self-discipline is key.
There were so many great, tangible points that the Duhu girls are going to be able to apply to their lives in a personal, work, and spiritual sense. God is first, then your husband, children, and finally where you serve. I am so excited to see how these girls flourish in God’s call and going through this study I know has gotten them off on the right foot. The girls are empowered to be leaders. Just as Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”