Why We Do What We Do

Our Belay team on the ground in Rwanda has been working tirelessly with local entrepreneurs to help make their dreams and aspirations a successful reality. They have been working with community leaders in order to bring about transformational change to villages. But they have also been creating businesses as well with the hopes of providing quality jobs and training to Rwandans.
Muraho Technology is one such company based in Kigali, Rwanda. This business has already provided jobs for young Rwandans and provided them with quality computer training. We recently received a letter from one of the employees, Fredrick, and we wanted to share that letter with you:
I am called Mugisha Fredrick
I am really glad for what God has done for me. He has given me what I asked Him. When I was still at school I prayed God to give me a job in a company where I will gain new skills, and now I have no doubt that Muraho Technology is my answer from God. So far, my English is improving, computer skills, am gaining confidence and relationship with different people.
Its really amazing how my employer trains and treats me, how he teaches me the Word of God and prays for us. He is an employer and parent too. I feel comfortable and blessed.
I thank God.
God bless you and I wish you to grow up and I hope this will not end.
Mugisha Fredrick